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Exploiting Global Markets: Improving Success with Localized Assets

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

In today's globalized world, successful marketing campaigns require more than just a one-size-fits-all approach. Localization plays a vital role in capturing the attention and engagement of diverse audiences. One crucial aspect of localization is adapting campaign assets to resonate with the cultural preferences, symbols, and traditions of specific target markets. In this article, we will explore the significance of localization assets using a hypothetical game called "Food Fever" and how its assets were tailored to resonate with the Brazilian audience.

Food Fever: My Dream Cafe

Understanding the target market is the first thing to do:

Before embarking on any localization effort, it is essential to gain a deep understanding of the target market. In the case of the "Food Fever", the primary target audience is the Brazilian population. This requires a thorough exploration of Brazilian culture, including its traditions, language, cuisine, and national symbols.

I will now explain the changes we made to the assets in this game:

1. Using Localized Assets cuisine:

To capture the essence of Brazilian cuisine in the game, it is crucial to select an appropriate icon that resonates with the target audience. In this case, extensive testing and research might lead to choosing an iconic Brazilian dish, such as feijoada or pão de queijo, as the game's representation of food. This localization asset ensures that players can easily identify with the culinary theme and feel a sense of familiarity and connection.

Here we added Coxinhas which are a popular Brazilian snack and colored the icon in green and yellow.

In the test we conducted for this game, the icon featuring Brazilian elements showed approximately 12% better performance.

A/B Test Reasult About Localizing Icon

Another test we conducted for the feature graphic showed that featuring Brazilian cuisine in the banner resulted in a 17% improvement in performance.

A/B Test About Localizing banner

2. Design Elements:

Visual design plays a significant role in creating an immersive and engaging experience for players. When localizing campaign assets, it is important to incorporate design elements that are culturally relevant. For the "Food Fever" game's video ad, the designers may choose to color the visuals with the Brazilian flag's green and yellow hues. This decision adds a touch of national pride and instantly captures the attention of Brazilian viewers, creating a sense of belonging and familiarity.

3. Language and Communication:

Localization assets also extend to the language and communication used in campaigns. Translating game text, dialogues, and captions into Portuguese allows players to fully immerse themselves in the game experience. Moreover, utilizing Brazilian colloquialisms and cultural references in the dialogue can enhance the authenticity and relatability for the players.

4. Symbolism and Cultural References:

Incorporating symbolism and cultural references specific to Brazil can make the game more appealing to the target audience. This could include adding recognizable landmarks like Christ the Redeemer or Ipanema Beach as backgrounds, incorporating traditional Brazilian music, or featuring popular Brazilian celebrities or influencers.

Intriguingly, one of our banner campaigns adorned a restaurant with the iconic image of Christ the Redeemer, resulting in an astonishing surge of traffic and outperforming other banners.

Increasing CTR by Using Symbolism Refrence

5. User Feedback and Iteration:

Localization is an iterative process, and gathering user feedback is crucial for refining and improving the game's assets. By actively engaging with the Brazilian player base, the development team can gather insights, identify areas for improvement, and tailor the game's assets accordingly. This feedback loop ensures that the localization efforts remain aligned with the preferences and expectations of the target market.

Localization assets play a vital role in the success of a marketing campaign, enabling businesses to connect with diverse audiences on a deeper level. The case study of the "Food Fever" game highlights the importance of adapting campaign assets to resonate with the Brazilian audience. By selecting culturally relevant icons, incorporating local design elements, utilizing the Portuguese language, and integrating symbolism and cultural references, the game can create a more immersive and engaging experience for Brazilian players. Successful localization ultimately leads to higher player engagement, increased brand loyalty, and a more significant impact on the target market.

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